ヒト臨床試験論文 投稿実績
栗山 雄司, 鳴海 正樹, 中野 英春, 吉田 靖志: 鮭鼻軟骨抽出物摂取の膝関節痛に対する効果, 新薬と臨牀 2016; 65: 1507-1521<順天堂大学> ▶ more info
栗山 雄司, 吉田 靖志: 鮭鼻軟骨由来プロテオグリカン含有食品の膝関節への有効性試験:ランダム化プラセボ対照二重盲検並行群間比較試験, 薬理と治療 2017; 45(11): 1795-1808<順天堂大学> ▶ more info
Yuji Kuriyama, Masaki Narumi, Hideharu Nakano and Yasushi Yoshida. Effects of salmon nasal cartilage extract powder standardized undenatured type Ⅱ collagen and proteoglycan on knee pain in healthy volunteers —A single center randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study : re-analysis results focused on the knee with stronger pain—. Jpn Pharmacol Ther 2020;48(11):2011-9.<順天堂大学> ▶ more info
Yuji Kuriyama, Yasushi Yoshida. Efficacy of proteoglycan derived from salmon nasal cartilage on knee discomfort in healthy volunteers —A randomized, double—blind, placebo—controlled intergroup trial—. Japanese Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2021 49(11): 1925-1935.<順天堂大学> ▶ more info
Yuji Kuriyama, Yasushi Yoshida. Efficacy of Undenatured Collagens (Type II and XI) derived from salmon nasal cartilage on knee discomfort in healthy volunteers —A randomized, double—blind, placebo—controlled intergroup trial—. Japanese Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2023;51(6): 909-920.<順天堂大学> ▶ more info
栗山 雄司, 吉田 靖志, 日比野 佐和子: 赤ワインエキス末 (レスベラトロール含有) の持続的な血管柔軟性ならびに脂質代謝への効果 – 健常人における単施設二重盲検ランダム化並行群間比較試験 -, 新薬と臨牀2017; 66: 783 -801<順天堂大学・大阪大学> ▶ more info
まめ鉄® SloIron®
Ryuji Takeda, Yuji Kuriyama, Yasushi Yoshida. Restorative effect of bean ferritin iron on low hemoglobin level in Premenopausal Women with Menstruation-Induced Anemia: A randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled intergroup trial Functional foods in health and disease 2024; 14(3): 169-183<順天堂大学・大阪福祉科学大学>
ヒト臨床試験論文 採用実績
Chihiro Tohda, Ximeng Yang, Mie Matsui, Yuna Inada, Emika Kadomoto, Shotaro Nakada, Hidetoshi Watari, Naotoshi Shibahara. Diosgenin-Rich Yam Extract Enhances Cognitive Function: A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Study of Healthy Adults. Nutrients 2017, 9(10), 1160.<富山大学> ▶ more info
Yuna Inada, Chihiro Tohda. Daiki Sasabayashi, Michio Suzuki. Diosgenin-rich Yam (rhizome of Dioscorea batatas) extract ameliorates cognitive functions and plasma biomarkers for mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer’s disease: A randomized controlled trial. Phytomedicine Plus 2024; 4(3) 100613. <富山大学> ▶ more info(富山大学プレスリリース)
まめ鉄® SloIron®
Murray-Kolb LE, Welch R, Theil EC, Beard JL. Women with low iron stores absorb iron from soybeans. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003;77(1):180-4.<カリフォルニア大学> ▶ more info
Davila-Hicks P, Theil EC, Lönnerdal B. Iron in ferritin or in salts (ferrous sulfate) is equally bioavailable in nonanemic women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004;80(4):936-40.<カリフォルニア大学> ▶ more info
Lönnerdal B, Bryant A, Liu X, Theil EC. Iron absorption from soybean ferritin in nonanemic women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006;83(1):103-7.<カリフォルニア大学> ▶ more info
Theil EC, Chen H, Miranda C, Janser H, Elsenhans B, Núñez MT, Pizarro F, Schümann K. Absorption of iron from ferritin is independent of heme iron and ferrous salts in women and rat intestinal segments. J Nutr. 2012;142(3):478-83.<カリフォルニア大学> ▶ more info
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